Lab 1: Research methods in the energy industry. Methods of analysis and synthesis

1.       Make a comparison analysis of Investigation methods that are used in the energy industry (method name, method function, method characteristics)

 2.       Based on the methodology of research synthesis, describe the research flow of your selected “master” problem.  Describe in more detail the first three steps of your direct problem.

Step 1: Formulating the Problem

Step 2: Searching the Literature

Step 3: Gathering Information from Studies

Step 4: Evaluating the Quality of Studies

Step 5: Analyzing and Integrating the Outcomes of Studies

Step 6: Interpreting the Evidence

Step 7: Presenting the Results

Conclusion: Threats to the Validity of Research Synthesis Conclusions

3.       Make conclusions and present your report in word/pdf format with conclusions and problem statement for future research.


  1. A comprehensive review of research approaches in the energy sector: a Management Sciences Perspective

  2. Methodologies of energy system research and analysis by world top energy think tanks

  3. Research Synthesis and Meta Analysis

Остання зміна: четвер 29 лютого 2024 17:56