Task for Lab 3

Now, it's time to create fully-functional multipage website

1. Create the project folder.

2. Inside the project folder, create folder "css" to keep your styles and img for the images.

3. Inside project folder, create four html documents: index.html, gallery.html, contact.html and hobbies.html

4. Using guides from https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_layout.asp page, make the following layout for all the pages 

HTML5 Semantic Elements

5. Create the header, navigation and footer panels for all the pages you've created. Header should contain website name and page name, and should have the background. Navigation panel should interconnect all pages of the websites with links. Footer should contain the links for your social networks accounts and any general information you want. These three panels should have same content for all of the pages.

6. Keep all styles for sections above in one CSS file located in css folder.

Last modified: Thursday, 31 October 2019, 10:36 AM