Task for Course paper

Course paper consists of two parts. First is theoretical task, second is practice task.

Theoretical task

Pick one of the theoretical topics and write report (5-7 pages) with analysis of references on this topic. Report should rely on not less than 10 references, 5 of them should be not older than 10 years.

Practical task

1. Download the new data set in Course paper section. pick the same day in January list (new data set) as you did for the labs in June data set (which you used for labs). For example if you did the labs for 01-06-2013, pick dataset for 01-01-2013.

2. Repeat the same actions you've did on labs (June data) for course paper data (January data). Compare the results and show it in the report. 

Last modified: Friday, 20 October 2023, 1:48 PM